Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Room 27 Class Party

On Wednesday 18th of December, Room 27 will be having a class party to celebrate an incredible year. We kindly ask for your assistance in providing a small plate of food for the class party.

As a class, we decided the easiest way to organise who would bring what food, would be to suggest that girls bring in savoury items and boys bring in sweet items. If need be, we can make adjustments. We are able to heat food in an oven, if required.

We do have a nut allergy in our class so if anyone is able to provide nut free food please let Miss McKercher or Ms Martin know. 

There will be a list up on the whiteboard to write which food each student is providing so we don’t have five plates of the same food. Teachers will be providing drinks.

Thank you for your assistance.

1 comment:

  1. Can I please confirm if it's free dress on Wednesday for their dance and party?
    Last year it was, and I havnt received a note, just realised the class party stuff is posted on here as my child has only informed me last night.
